FCA Resources
FCA has numerous devotionals, bible studies, videos and much more to help EQUIP you to share God’s word.
Having trouble praying? Start with
• THANKSGIVING – What has God blessed you with that you are thankful for?
• ADORATION – Why do you love God?
• CONFESSION – Where in your life are you caught up in sin?
• OTHERS – Who (individuals and groups) needs prayer in your life?
• SELF – How can you be aligned to God’s will for your life?
• ADORATION – Why do you love God?
• CONFESSION – Where in your life are you caught up in sin?
• OTHERS – Who (individuals and groups) needs prayer in your life?
• SELF – How can you be aligned to God’s will for your life?

Huddles Spring 2021 Theme: SEEK
Throughout our lives we seek for answers for why things happen the way they do. When growing up not only in life, but in faith you tend to question why certain things happen