

Team Impact


“The best example I can give you of how we see FCA lacrosse after our experience is a comparison to our church in Atlanta, called Northpoint Church. Andy Stanley is the pastor and Northpoint has been our church home for 14 years. The programs for kids are like no other. In addition to being Christ-centered, their kids programs are fun, loud, exciting, silly and most of all.....they are relevant. The church has an amazing ability to focus on it's one mission and that is to lead people (kids and adults) into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. In our opinion, FCA is the 'Northpoint' of Lacrosse. There is nothing more relevant to these boys than playing Lacrosse for the Glory of God. Every FCA event we have attended so far has been fun, organized and has made God so relevant to us and to the sport of Lacrosse. We have seen him play on two great teams and we have seen him grow personally in his relationship with Christ. For us and for Jack, playing for FCA is always a win-win. Even if he loses on the field, being on an FCA team means it will still be a positive and growing experience.”

Family Impact


“I want to thank you again for the incredible opportunity to be a part of the FCA family. My son had an amazing time playing for FCA. As did his father and I. I don't know if you realized it, but his father and I are not married. We have been divorced for almost 6 years. This week in was a very unique experience where he and I both chose to rise above our circumstances and both be there for our son. It was awesome to see God's hand at work all week. His father and I have not had that much communication nor have we been integrated as a family like that in a long time. You challenged us to figure out why God has us be a part of this trip, and I know for sure why! I don't know what the future holds for our family, but I do know HE is in control, and that he can HEAL anything! I am forever grateful to FCA for the blessings it has already brought us.”

Camp Impact


“Two of my babies were at FCA Lacrosse Camp in Gettysburg this past week and I have goosebumps listening to them. We are a family who prays. I have scripture randomly written on paper, chalkboards, in frames, throughout the house. None of that compares to the WITNESS of the huddle leaders and staff with “cool hair" or awesome athletes, and you, SHARING a light. Never underestimate the power of your witness. I know I don't. I told the kids to listen for words like faith, leadership, integrity, love for Christ... But I was wrong. John, my 9 year old of few words, said he didn't just hear those words, "Mom, I got to see them in action." I am forever grateful.“

Club Impact


“My son, played lacrosse for FCA last year. It was an incredibly positive experience for him (and for his entire family!) Soon after the season ended, he began practicing for football, his "other favorite sport." One day, as his Dad was trying to get him out the door for practice, he kept saying "just a minute!" He was hard at work on something up in his room, and my husband and I were getting frustrated. He finally rushed downstairs, dressed for practice, carrying his helmet. We spotted a home-made sticker on the side of his helmet (football does not allow helmet decorating, so he would have to remove it.) Curious, I asked him what the sticker said. He responded "I made a sticker for my football helmet with the FCA theme. It says 'Colossians 3:17; ALL IN!'" To say that his season playing lacrosse for FCA had an impact on him would be an understatement.”
